My father used to make this recipe, one of his many tries (most successful)! But this one stands out as one of his best! Good Irish eating, just need the...
Savoiardi, also known as lady fingers, is a light Italian cookie. It can be eaten plain, with coffee or used in Tiramisu. My cousin owns an Italian bakery,...
This is a fairly quick and easy recipe for empanadas. A friend recently gave it to me, and my whole family loved them!!! Just about any kind of fruit,...
This is the most favorite Mexican candy of all 10 of my children...sweet, spicy, and so yummy. Full of tamarind fruit. Makes a great activity for children...
For years I have been making this sublime chocolate treat, which I believe to be perfect for Valentine's Day. Created by combining a dark chocolate ganache...
This dish uses a classic Thai preparation method of protein. It might not sound like much, but it's a very satisfying dish, especially made with shrimp...
This baked potato casserole is a typical dish from the northeastern Colombian state 'Norte de Santander.' The ingredients can be easily found which makes...
This is the perfect healthy option when you are craving the comfort of lasagna. By using spaghetti squash, you add a veggie and still get the feeling that...
Wonderful change to a plain old quesadilla. Sweet, salty and barbecued! Use any type of firm red apple. Additional options: add barbecued chicken or chopped...
This chicken is spicy, tangy, and juicy, but with no added fat. It's easy to make in large batches, so it's perfect for a party. And unlike most curries,...
This is similar to Kung Pao Chicken, especially if you add the optional peanuts. You can control the spiciness of this dish by the number of chile peppers...
Chicken and beer: so simple, yet, so good. This Italian classic is a perfect lunch or dinner for two. It uses a few ingredients but has a deep, complex...
Kofta is a popular dish made from grilled ground beef that is served throughout the Middle-East. This is a wonderful and simple version I picked up in...
Spicy, addictive, easy to make - you can't stop eating these! The potato puts it over the top! Well worth the time. Serve with salsa, cheese, cilantro,...
Nazook is a rich Persian pastry which is not too sweet, and wonderful with tea or coffee. I developed this version while trying to reproduce a commercial...
Sheer khurma, which literally means 'milk with dates', is a vermicelli pudding that is very popular in Muslim communities around the world. It is often...
This spinach pasta is fun and inexpensive to make, and packs more spinach than the store-bought version. Don't let the lack of a stand mixer with pasta...
This is a quick and easy making chicken recipe with dark meat and a touch of oriental taste--which comes from the fermented black beans. Very good for...
If you really want an all-out fancy restaurant style tiramisu with all the fixin's this is the one. People will speak of this for years to come. You can...
This can be used as a filling for coffeecake, Danish pastries, croissants, or mixed with fruit for pies. It can also be used plain as a tart filling. If...
This is a deliciously light dessert that works well for summer picnics or even between cake layers. My Peruvian mother-in-law was kind enough to give me...
Chicken breasts baked with ham and Swiss cheese, topped with an unusual mixture of sour cream, white wine, creamy soup and spices. This is a bit different...
This recipe is handed down to me by my Italian mother. I grew up with this dessert. It's quick and easy. The chestnut puree may be hard to find. It's actually...
These elegant packets look complicated, yet are quite simple to prepare. A seasoned salmon fillet is placed onto asparagus spears and wrapped in parchment...